Frequently Asked Questions
What is the BC Content Hub?
The BC Content Hub is a portal to our digital asset management system (DAM). Available assets from Destination BC and our partners can be found here and used to promote tourism in British Columbia.
What Is an Asset?
For our purposes, an asset is any piece of content that resides on the BC Content Hub. An asset can be a photo, a video, b-roll, a document, an itinerary, or an article, among other asset types.
Who Owns the Assets on the BC Content Hub?
The assets on the BC Content Hub are owned by or licensed to Destination BC or its licensors, and are protected by copyright, trademark, and other laws. For more information, please see our Terms and Conditions .
How Can the Assets Be Used?
For full legal details, please see our Terms and Conditions .
You may use assets in two ways:
1. In materials promoting tourism in British Columbia (e.g., advertising, digital advertising, social media, collateral, websites, presentations, trade show/event displays, and brochures) provided to the public free of charge; and
2. To accompany travel editorial about British Columbia in magazines, newspapers, broadcasts, and online publications.
You may not do the following:
1. Sell, transfer, redistribute, or sublicense assets;
2. Use assets in or on any product intended for resale;
3. Use assets in connection with any service or product—commercial or non-commercial—that is not related to travel to and within British Columbia; or
4. Use assets in a defamatory, libelous, obscene, pornographic, or otherwise inappropriate context, or in a manner that is contrary to ethical business practices.
User Account Issues
How Do I Create a New Account?
Follow these steps:
Go to the login page
At the bottom of the page, select CREATE AN ACCOUNT
Fill out the form completely and click “I agree” to the Terms and Conditions, and to receive email communication if you wish
Your account is now active, and you can log in to the BC Content Hub
How Do I Reset or Change My Password?
If you have forgotten your password, follow these steps:
Go to the login page
Near the bottom of the page, select FORGOT PASSWORD
Enter the email address associated with your account and select SEND
When you receive an email, follow the link
Enter the recovery key provided in the email
Complete the form and select RESET PASSWORD
Your password is now reset and active
If you want to change your password, follow these steps:
After logging in, go to the person icon on the top right of your screen
Select the CHANGE PASSWORD tab
Fill out the form and select UPDATE
Your password has now been changed
Search Help
How Do I Search the BC Content Hub?
Identify the key concepts or terms for your search (e.g., wildlife, or Kamloops, or ski) and enter them in the SEARCH field. Note: there is no need to press the ENTER key as the BC Content Hub has a dynamic search—as you type, results and filters automatically update.
Search results appear with the most recent assets first. To start a new search, select RESET to clear all search terms and filters.
How Do I Use the Filters?
Choose from a list of filters to see assets related to a specific CONTENT TYPE, LOCATION, POPULAR AREA, REGION, ORIENTATION, or ACTIVITY.
As you check and uncheck filters, your search results will change. To narrow your search results, select one or more of the available filters; to expand your search results, deselect filters. If there are no results that apply to a particular filter, that filter will disappear.
Search results appear with the most recent assets first. To start a new search, select RESET to clear all search terms and filters.
Why Do Filters Keep Changing as I Search?
The BC Content Hub has a dynamic search—as you type, results and filters automatically update. If there are no results that apply to a particular filter, that filter will disappear.
Search results appear with the most recent assets first. To start a new search, select RESET to clear all search terms and filters.
What is the DBC Model Released filter?
A DBC Model Released asset is an asset that has a model release form, signed by all visible parties, acknowledging that assets in which they feature may be used and distributed by Destination BC for the purposes of promoting tourism to British Columbia. Filtering by DBC Model Released ensures that the search results shows only those assets that, where required, include a model release form signed by all identifiable parties.
Why is a model release needed?
The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) ensures that public bodies, including Destination BC, protect personal privacy. Destination BC works diligently to ensure that our content aligns with FOIPPA regulations. In short, for us to use content that is created by DBC, or our partners, all identifiable individuals featured in that content must sign a DBC model release acknowledging they understand how their personal information (in this case, their face) will be used.
How Do I Create a Collection?
Select the shopping cart icon to add assets to a collection, choose a collection from the drop-down, and choose the appropriate file format. You can create a new collection from two different places, the results page and the asset's preview:
From the Home or search results page:
Select the shopping cart icon on the thumbnail.
Beside the drop-down menu, select the + icon.
In the pop-up, give your collection a name and a description, and select SAVE
The collection now appears in the drop-down
Select the new collection from the drop-down, and select your desired file
The file has now been added to your new collection
From the asset's preview page:
In the box on the right-hand side, you will see a drop-down menu, select the + icon beside it
In the pop-up, giveyour collection a name and a description, and select SAVE
The collection nowappears in the drop-down
Select the new collection from the drop-down and select your desired file
The file has nowbeen added to your new collection
From COLLECTIONS, in the top navigation bar, you can download and/or share your collection.
Can I Have Multiple Collections?
Yes. There are two different places you can create a new collection, please see how in “How do I create a collection?” above.
How Do I Remove Assets From a Collection?
To remove an individual asset from a collection, first gointo that collection. Then select the small x at the top rightcorner of the asset, then select REMOVE FROM COLLECTION from the pop-up box.
To remove all assets from a collection, first go into that collection, and then select the middle X icon from the top three icons to the right of the collection’s name. In the pop-up that appears to Clear Collection, select YES, DELETE IT. Now your collection has been cleared.
How Do I Delete a Collection?
To delete a collection, first go into the collection you intend to delete, and then select the far-right trash can icon. In the pop-up that appears to Delete Collection, select YES, DELETE IT. Now your collection has been deleted.
How Can I Share Assets/Collections With Others?
To share assets in a colletion, follow these steps:
From the collection's page, select SHARE from the box on the right
Create a description and enter an expiry date, then select SHARE
From here, either copy and paste the link into an email or select SEND VIA EMAIL, which creates an email containing the link
The recipient follows the link to a webpage with the assets
The recipient can either ADD ALL ASSETS TO MY COLLECTION, or choose individual assets by selecting the shopping cart icon to add assets manually to MY COLLECTION
Next select DOWNLOAD MY COLLECTION and the chosen assets will download into a .zip file
Downloading Assets
How Do I Download a Single Asset?
Select the download icon under the asset thumbnail and choose the appropriate file format. Your asset will download to the location identified in your browser preferences.
How Do I Download Multiple Assets?
Select the shopping cart icon to add assets to your selected collection and choose the appropriate file format. Once you have collected all the assets you need, go to Collections (in the top navigation bar), select the collection with your desired assets, and select DOWNLOAD. Your assets will download in a .zip file to the location identified in your browser preferences.
Credit Requirements
Where Do I Find the "Credit" Field?
When you select an asset, metadata is listed below the preview image. The "Credit" field specifies to whom credit should be given.
Do I Need to Give Credit When Using an Asset?
Please provide a credit to the assets where space allows, but you are required to give credit in the following two instances:
(a) when the assets are used in travel editorial (e.g., articles, blogs, travel guides, social media); or
(b) when the assets specify “Other: Credit Required” on the Content Preview page. The "Credit" field specifies to whom credit must be given.
For further information, please see our Terms and Conditions .